KELAS 5 B. INGGRIS (Job and Occupation)
Job and Occupation
the text carefully then answer the questions!
My name is Dania Amreta Cantika. Just call me Nadia. My school is SD Mawar Sukabumi.
I am the student of the fifth class. I will tell about professions that I can
find at my school. There are headmistress, teachers, a librarian, school
staffs, and a gardener.
Headmistress is the person who lead a school. Teachers are person who teach
the students. Librarian is a person who works in a library. School staffs are
persons who take care of the school's administration and a gardener is a person
who takes care of the school garden.
Vocabulary lengkap mengenai Job
and Occupation.
teacher = guru
doctor = dokter
author = penulis
architect = arsitek
actrees = aktris
actor = aktor
butcher = tukang daging
mechanic = mekanik
labor = buruh
cashier = kasir
chef = koki masak
barber = tukang cukur
coach = pelatih
pilot = pilot
journalist = wartawan
fisherman = nelayan
dentist = dokter gigi
engineer = teknisi
sailor = pelaut
lawyer = pengacara
manager = manajer
driver = sopir
Read the text carefully then answer the questions!
What is Dania?
In what class is she now?
What does the school's staffs do?
What does a gardener do?
What does a teacher do?
(Tulis jawabanmu di buku tulis B. Inggris & fotokan hasil jawabanmu dan kirim ke guru kelas masing-masing. Batas pengiriman foto tugas sampai pukul 20.00)
Materi juga bisa diakses melalui aplikasi Sidikmu. Untuk memperkaya wawasan, kalian bisa mempelajari materi & mengerjakan latihan di LKS.
Dra. Elis Ratnawati (082302038225)
Rio Annaas Islamiyah, S.Pd. (087855434833)
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