KELAS 5 B. INGGRIS (Job and Occupation)

Job and Occupation

Read the text carefully then answer the questions!

My name is Dania Amreta Cantika. Just call me Nadia. My school is SD Mawar Sukabumi. I am the student of the fifth class. I will tell about professions that I can find at my school. There are headmistress, teachers, a librarian, school staffs, and a gardener.

Headmistress is the person who lead a school. Teachers are person who teach the students. Librarian is a person who works in a library. School staffs are persons who take care of the school's administration and a gardener is a person who takes care of the school garden.


Vocabulary lengkap mengenai Job and Occupation.

·         teacher = guru 

·         doctor = dokter

·         author = penulis

·         architect = arsitek

·         actrees = aktris

·         actor = aktor

·         butcher = tukang daging

·         mechanic = mekanik

·         labor = buruh

·         cashier = kasir

·         chef = koki masak

·         barber = tukang cukur

·         coach = pelatih

·         pilot = pilot

·         journalist = wartawan

·         fisherman = nelayan

·         dentist = dokter gigi

·         engineer = teknisi

·         sailor = pelaut

·         lawyer = pengacara

·         manager = manajer

·         driver = sopir



Read the text carefully then answer the questions!

1.     What is Dania?

2.    In what class is she now?

3.    What does the school's staffs do?

4.    What does a gardener do?

5.    What does a teacher do?

(Tulis jawabanmu di buku tulis B. Inggris & fotokan hasil jawabanmu dan kirim ke guru kelas masing-masing. Batas pengiriman foto tugas sampai pukul 20.00) 

Materi juga bisa diakses melalui aplikasi Sidikmu. Untuk memperkaya wawasan, kalian bisa mempelajari materi & mengerjakan latihan di LKS.



Dra. Elis Ratnawati (082302038225)

Rio Annaas Islamiyah, S.Pd. (087855434833)

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